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  • Terms and conditions

    The webpage ww.fullpartituras.com has as its main function to provide a digital platform in which user from around the globe, and especially Spanish speakers, may be able to share and exchange free-use music sheets and scores. Full Partituras Musicales requests to its visitors and users to read in detail this conditions and privacy policy, before beginning their exploration or use of the services. In case you don't agree with this conditions and terms, please don't use the page either.

    • 1. Terms agreement

      When an user accesses www.fullpartituras.com he does it under his own responsibility and, for this reason, he agrees, plenty and without regrets the web page content and the terms and conditions of use. Full Partituras musicales reserves, in all means, the right to update and modify, in anyway, unilateral and without notification the current page content and terms of use

      The service provided by our webpage its free for the users y it's under the rule of the terms and conditions noted next, which are known as understood and accepted by the users of the site.

    • 2. Copyright

      This webpage and its content, including text, graphics and logos are property of www.fullpartituras.com. The PDF, RAR and ZIP files in this website are freeto-use and they are shared by the user and not by Full Partituras Musicales. The registered user is in obligation to share only music scores of his property o others of free use, these last shall not infringe Copyright policies.

      The users can recover, exhibit, print, copy or download any content on this page only for personal and no-commercial use.

      Regarding the content of the web page of Full Partituras Musicales, the user must:

      • • Use the content in a diligent, right and lawful way.
        • Not to suppress, avoid or manipulate copyright.
        • Not to use the content and, in particular, the information of any type obtained through www.fullpartituras.com to make publicity.
        • www.fullpartituras.com will not be responsible for the misuse users do with the page content.
        • Visitor or user of the webpage will be responsible for any forbidden, unlawful or abnormal use of the content, information or services of Full Partituras Musicales webpage.
        • Visitor or user of the webpage won't alter, block or any make any other act that prevents to show or to access to any content, information or services of the website.
        • Visitor or user of the web page of Full Partituras Musicales, won't fall into unlawful behavior or acts such as informatics attacks, communications interceptions, violations to the copyright, identity theft, secret revealing or document fraud.
    • 3. Privacy

      www.fullpartituras.com is committed to preserve the privacy and personal information of the user, saved through the webpage, for this reason a confidentiality policy is adopted, according with what is established next. It's understood by personal information all that one given by the user for the register, including names and email. The user acknowledges that the information introduced is given willingly and is a requirement for the register in order to access to our free content and for the webpage to control the use of this free material. www.fullpartituras.com is committed to not to give, to sell, neither sharing the data received in the webpage with third-parties without prior expressed approval of the user. The entities or companies involved in the webpage won't be considered third-parties for this purpose. So on, Full partituras musicales will cancel or rectify the data when this one results inexact or incomplete or if they ended their purpose.

    • 4. Information and third-party websites

      The webpage may offer hyperlinks or access to other webpages and content of other companies or people, with the intention of informing the user over the existence or sources that may expand the content offered by Full Partituras Musicales. The webpage does not control, manipulates or warrants the content including this sites, neither takes responsibility for the functioning or accessibility of the associated webpages; Full partituras musicales does not suggest, invites or recommends to visit this associated webpages, and for this reason it won't be responsable of the results obtained.

      The User accepts that the entity is not responsible for any content, associated link, resource or service related to the site of a third party. Also, the User agrees that Full Musical Scores will not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind arising from the use made of the contents of a third party.

      Full Partituras Musicales does not take responsability for any consequence derived of third-party misuse of the data base and for any technical failure in its functioning and preservation of the data in any menu of the webpage.

      Equally, Full Partituras Musicales will not be able to warrant the availability of the online services and the information required by the users in any given moment.

      Full Partituras Musicales will not answer in any case and under any circumstance for any attack or incident with the security of the webpage or against any of its information systems; for the exposure or non-authorized access, fraud or unlawful use of the webpage that may affect the confidentiality, integrity, authenticity of the published information or associated with the content or services offered in it.

    • 5. Responsibility for the information contained

      Given the actuality that the technical media is not able to warrant absolute security against third-party attacks to the webpage, Full Partituras Musicales does not warrants in any way the veracity exactitude of the hole or a part of the content in the webpage, nor its updates, modifications to the hole or a part of the information, after being published in the webpage, nor any other aspect of the published in the site or in the links provided.

      Full Partituras Musicales does not controls nor warrant the absence or malware or other elements contained that may produce changes in your terminal or in the e-documents and folders stored in your terminal.

    • 6. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

      1. The user will not manifest before the Ministerio or any judicial, administrative authority, that application of condition, norm or agreement that is not deliberately incorporated in the current terms of use.

      2. This conditions will be governed by laws of the Republic of Colombia, in the aspects that are not deliberately regulated in them.

      3. If any disposition of these loses validity or compelling force, for any reason, all the other dispositions continue having their compelling force and binding nature and will generate all their effects.

      4. For any legal or judicial effect, the place of the current conditions is the city of Medellín, Antioquia, Republic of Colombia, and any controversy that may appear of their interpretation or application will be subdued to the juries of the Republic of Colombia.